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Battlegrounds Mobile Game Guide – How to Dominate Every BG

Battlegrounds Mobile Game Guide – How to Dominate Every BG

Does your realm lose in most of the battlegrounds? The amount of honor you get is never enough? Your opponents seem to be impossible to defeat? I understand your frustration, I’ve been there too. I’m writing this article as a WoW battleground mobile India, to help every player to push their PvP to the limits, no matter the gear, skills or the team that they play with.

WoW Battlegrounds Guide for a Solo Player

Everyone knows that a battleground is about team work, but there are battles when your team sucks so bad, the loss is inevitable, therefore, you should take a battle of your own. As a solo player in a BG that is lost even after the very first minutes, your aim is to kill as many players as you can, to maximize your honor. To do this simply goes where the highest concentration of players is and kills all the ones that look poorly equipped. If you found one or two that meet these “requirements” and you can easily kill them, look for them all the duration of the BG and kill them as many times as you can.

When fighting at an interest point in a battleground, make sure you always swap targets and always hit the one that is highly damaged.

This WoW BG guide works for me all the time and even if the battle is lost, in the end I end up with the maximum of kills which makes me a winner.

WoW Battlegrounds Guide for Teams

There are battlegrounds where the players work together even if they are not premade groups. In these cases you should join forces and participate at the teams effort for the winning of the battleground. In this kind of battles, players are open to communication and ideas and they usually follow the tactics that sound best.

In this section of the article I will describe in a few words a winner tactic for each WoW battleground.

WoW BG guide for Warsong Gulch

This WoW battleground guide consists in a tactic which divides the 10 players in 3 teams. One team for attack with a druid as flag carrier and a healer, a middle team with heavy armored DPS, healers and crowd controllers and a defending team with at least 3 heavy DPSers. The defense must concentrate on the healers of those who attack. Even if one picks up the flag and runs, the middle team will intercept him with no problem. The middle team must be flexible. They must control the middle and also help the flag carrier as well as the defense, if needed. The flag team must steal the flag and take it as fast as possible to the middle team, and then to base.

WoW BG guide for Eye of the Storm

I’m a very big fan of the 2 bases – 1 flag tactic. This means that our team must take and defend 2 bases, which can be done easily with 3-4 players, and the rest of 7-8 charge at the flag, dominating the middle. The flag carrier must be a class with speed, a druid is indicated.

WoW Battleground guide for Alterac Valley

The best way to win the battle for this BG is send a squad of stealthers as fast a possible to the opponent’s base to cap their base towers (5-6 of them are usually enough). The home base must be defended by about 10 players with at least 2 healers, heavy armored DPS and some crowd controllers. The rest of the team must take control of the middle. When the opponents base towers are burned. All can rush in for the other team’s general.

WoW Battleground guide for Arathi Basin

The best way to dominate the battle in Arathi Basin and win is to take control of the Blacksmith to have equal reach for all the other bases, the Lumber Mill, to have the highest ground and then the closest base to your realms exit. Conquering these as fast as possible and then defending them is a granted success for this battleground.

WoW BG guide for Strand of the Ancients

This is the latest introduced battleground. For this BG the best strategy to win mobile game is having a very fast attack on the keep. When the bg starts, make sure your team takes all the vehicles takes them to the same gate. All pedestrian must pick up sanatorium for additional damage. When the first gate is brought down, take the graveyards as quickly as possible to get additional vehicles from the workshops.

Then it all resumes to synchronized attacks on the other gates. It’s a good thing as well if ranged DPSers take out the defensive turrets. With team work and the maximum vehicle control, the keep can fall in less than 3 minutes.

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