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8 Reasons Why Your Commercial Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling

8 Reasons Why Your Commercial Air Conditioner Is Not Cooling

There is truly nothing worse than having your air conditioner break down in the middle of the day when the sun is at its highest and hottest. Unfortunately, this is a situation that happens far too often as a result of a variety of reasons.

If you have been having trouble with your commercial air conditioning unit and are desperate for a solution and a reason behind the issue, look no further. Here we bring you some of the most common reasons why your commercial air conditioner is not cooling.

1. Blocked Air Vents

One of the most common reasons your AC may not be working could be a result of a blocked air vent. This could be a result of someone who may have been a little too cold at one point and decided to take matters into their own hands by blocking the AC on purpose.

Before calling in for commercial air conditioning repair, be sure to check to make sure that there isn’t anything blocking the air vents first or that anyone has purposefully closed the air vents without remembering to open them back up.

2. A Clogged Filter

Believe it or not, most people fail to change their AC’s filter as often as they should. While an AC filter should be changed out every 30 to 60 days, most people don’t change them until about two years after getting a new one.

This is why it is no surprise that your AC isn’t cooling like it should: it’s clogged up with years’ worth of debris that is not only not allowing your AC to cool properly, but also floating around your home. Be sure to check your filters to make sure that they’re being changed on a regular basis.

3. A Blown Fuse

It is one thing for your AC to not be cooling as it should, but if your AC shuts off all of a sudden, it could be a sign of a blown fuse as a result of overheating or some other reason. If you think that this might be the case, you can check your circuit breaker for confirmation.

If you still can’t figure out whether or not this is the issue, you may have to call in for commercial air conditioning repair instead. The last thing you want to do is take matters into your own hands and possibly make things worse.

4. A Crowded Condenser Unit

Another common reason for your AC not cooling properly could be that your AC’s condenser unit is too crowded and therefore doesn’t have enough airflow around it. This is especially true for people who have a split unit and keep the condenser outside or in a different room. Your condenser won’t be able to do its job of releasing heat if it’s being crowded by boxes, trash, leaves, or other debris.

5. Capacity Problems

If you have been dealing with cooling issues and your AC is situated in a large room, the problem may not be that your AC isn’t doing its job. Rather, the size of your AC may not be big enough for the size of the room.

Commercial air conditioning systems are specifically designed to cool specific spaces based on their size. Capacity can usually be the result of your AC unit not cooling the room as much as you’d like for it to. Try getting a larger AC or putting your current one in a smaller room to check and see if this really is the problem.

6. Leaks

Over time, your AC is bound to have leaks. Refrigerant is usually what leaks out of the coils, tubing, or connectors, which are the parts of your AC that tend to be prone to leaks. Refrigerant is a chemical that runs through your AC system and is responsible for cooling.

If the refrigerant is low, most likely as a result of the leaks, your AC won’t feel as cool as it should. If you have noticed that the compressor is running constantly and blowing without much cooling, chances are that your refrigerant, or lack thereof, is to blame.

7. Mechanical Problems

It is perfectly normal for your AC to make noises, but if you have started hearing noises out of the ordinary, chances are that there’s something wrong with the mechanics of your AC. These sounds could be an indication of serious mechanical problems in the AC unit.

If that’s the case, you’ll have to reach out to a commercial air conditioning repair company to come in and inspect your unit. If you don’t, the problem could end up getting worse and your AC will surely fail.

8. Broken Fan Motor

Whether or not you’ve noticed, your AC system consists of fans that blow air over the coils and through your ducts. If one of your fan’s motors is broken, you’ll notice that your AC won’t be cooling as it should be.

Again, a broken-down fan motor is an issue that only a professional should be dealing with, so be sure to reach out to a commercial air conditioning repair company so they can come and check it out. The sooner they do, the easier it will be to solve the problem.

When In Doubt, Call In The Professionals

Although there are worse things than having a broken-down AC, it’s certainly not an ideal situation to be in. This is especially true if you run a business that requires you to have an AC. When your AC breaks down, customers won’t be too keen on entering the premises.

That’s why it’s important to keep up with the maintenance of your AC and get it checked on a regular basis. Be sure to call in the professionals if you notice that your AC isn’t cooling as it should be, hear any irregular noises coming from it, or smell any strange smells, among other things. The sooner you can get a professional in there, the sooner the problem will be solved.

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